Apr 6, 2009

TJ and Elayna's Birthdays Part 2

Now it's Elayna's turn. She is the cutest little thing ever! I know all moms think that about their kids, but I believe it to be a true fact about Elayna. She is growing up so quickly. She is now walking like a pro, she has 5 teeth, of which her 2 bottom teeth came in first, then the 2 right beside the front 2. She looked like a Vampire for a good long time before her right front tooth popped through, now she looks like a Jack-O-Lantern!

She got a baby doll for her birthday, and loves it a ton! She carries it all over the place, but drops it all the time because it's too heavy for her.She had to kiss it all the time, you know the baby kind of kisses? Open mouthed wet ones?

1 comment:

aprilhoyt said...

I Love the toothy grin!! the doll is cute too!